
Valor North America, LLC
Houston, Texas, USA
Telephone: 832 560 0426
Location: Oman
Agent Name: Vision Advanced Petroleum Solutions
Website Address: http://visionaps.com/
Telephone Number: +968 95099788
Location : Bogota, Columbia
Agent Name: RODATECH S.A.S.
Website Address: www.rodatech.co
Telephone Number: +57.316.349.0491
Location: GABON, Congo, DRC, Cameroon, Senegal
Agent Name: NILA GeoSolutions
Website Address: www.nilags.com
Telephone Number: +241 76 45 07 25
Location: GABON, Congo, DRC, Cameroon, Senegal
Agent Name: NILA GeoSolutions
Website Address: www.nilags.com
Telephone Number: +241 76 45 07 25
Location: GABON, Congo, DRC, Cameroon, Senegal
Agent Name: NILA GeoSolutions
Website Address: www.nilags.com
Telephone Number: +241 76 45 07 25
Location: GABON, Congo, DRC, Cameroon, Senegal
Agent Name: NILA GeoSolutions
Website Address: www.nilags.com
Telephone Number: +241 76 45 07 25
Website Address: Website under construction
Telephone Number: +40 755 045 235
Location: Comodoro Rivadavia – Argentina
Website Address: https://kurüoil.com.ar
Telephone Number: +54 9 297 5405183
Location: Quito - Ecuador
Agent Name: Roberto Herrera - PRIDIM ENERGY
Website Address: www.let.life
Telephone Number (Cell or Landline) +593 9 9771 6632
Location: Kemaman Terengganu, Malaysia
Agent Name: Admiral Quality Tech Sdn. Bhd.
Website Address: www.admiral-grp.com
Telephone Number: M: +6012 324 6769
Location: Kuwait
Agent Name: Wildcat United
Website Address: www.wildcatos.com
Telephone Number: +965 9886 2777
Location: Comodoro Rivadavia – Argentina
Website Address: https://kurüoil.com.ar/
Telephone Number: +54 9 297 5405183
Location: Pakistan
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Agent Name: PT. Penta Teknik Solusi
Website Address: https://www.penta-energi.com/penta-teknik-solusi
Telephone Number: +62 80641000
Location: Guyana
Agent Name: Nexus Machine Tech Guyana Inc.
Website Address: https://nexusmachinetech.com/
Telephone Number: +592 266 1200/ +592 266 1214
Location: Rio De Janeiro – RJ - Brazil
Website Address: www.chessengenharia.com.br
Telephone Number: +5521 976 741 910 / +5521 2220-6237
Location: Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
Agent Name: Alvaro Alfonso
Telephone Number: +52 938 1340553
Location: Nigeria
Agent Name: Alpharetta Oil & Gas Services Worldwide Ltd
Website Address: www.alpharetta-ogs.com
Telephone Number: +234 809 094 7164, +234 818 831 5592
Location: Sudan and South Sudan
Agent Name: Mohamed Ibrahim
Location: Venezuela
Agent Name: Aris Faria
Location: Benin
Agent Name: Olivier Malinur of Wellcome Energy Service
Tel.: +221 775 057 793
Location: Chad
Agent Name: Olivier Malinur of Wellcome Energy Service
Tel.: +221 775 057 793
Location: Mozambique
Agent Name: Olivier Malinur of Wellcome Energy Service
Tel.: +221 775 057 793
Location: Ivory Coast
Agent Name: Olivier Malinur of Wellcome Energy Service
Tel.: +221 775 057 793
Location: Niger
Agent Name: Olivier Malinur of Wellcome Energy Service
Tel.: +221 775 057 793
Location: Madagascar
Agent Name: Olivier Malinur of Wellcome Energy Service
Tel.: +221 775 057 793
Location: Dubai
Agent Name: Midgard Oilfield Services FZ-LLC
Website: www.midgard-os.com
Tel.: +971 557230470
Location: Kazakhstan
Agent Name: Midgard Oilfield Services FZ-LLC
Website: www.midgard-os.com
Tel.: +971 557230470
Location: Uzbekistan
Agent Name: Midgard Oilfield Services FZ-LLC
Website: www.midgard-os.com
Tel.: +971 557230470
Location: Uzbekistan
Agent Name: Midgard Oilfield Services FZ-LLC
Website: www.midgard-os.com
Tel.: +971 557230470
Location: Cabimas Zulia state, Venezuela
Agent Name: Aris Faria
Tel.: 58-412-130.75.04
Company Name EnerSol LLC
Location Baku, Azerbaijan
Website Address www.enersolservice.com and/or www.enersol.az
Telephone Number +994554251444
Company Name Al Majal Energy
Location Iraq
Website Address https://almajalenergy.com/
Telephone Number +964 781 119 9377
Company Name Alban Collaku
Location Algeria
Telephone Number 33 6 43 01 46 73
Company Name Alban Collaku
Location Morroco
Telephone Number 33 6 43 01 46 73
Company Name Alban Collaku
Location Tunisia
Telephone Number 33 6 43 01 46 73
Company Name Alban Collaku
Location Libya
Telephone Number 33 6 43 01 46 73